Sunday, March 30

It has been a long hectic year, but as most know I have left Bikers of SC and ventured on my own to Biker Events of SC.  Yes, there have been some smart ass comments about me doing that, and well, I don't give a shit.  Leaving BoSC was a VERY hard decision for me.  I have been there since the beginning and wanted to see it through to the end.  However, with growth comes change, some good, some not so good and some bad.  A lot of the changes were for the good, others were what they were but there were some that I just refused to be a part of.  I love all my BoSC brothers and sisters from the beginning, I will always have their back as I know they would mine.  There have been a lot of he said, she said floating around as will happen in any organization.  I am not here to do that.  I am here to explain to my followers why I left.  Nothing more, nothing less.  I love Steel Toes, Becca, Hollywood and still believe in the vision we had when we started BoSC.  That vision was lost somewhere a long the way with some of the new admins.  I felt that the BoSC was becoming more like a MC or RC than what we originally started as, a page to help the bikers find information on the rides, events and rallies coming up in the areas they lived in and around the state and to communicate with other bikers for information, bikes for sale or just as free advertisement for businesses directed at the biker community.  When we split up the page and each of us managers took a different area of the state, that vision got lost for the most part.  I tried and tried to make sense of it and hoped beyond hope that things would change.  They did not, so I took a step back.  I know that there are a lot of my friends on the page that followed me to my new page and I appreciate that.  I have been busy planning a wedding so I have not been scouring the net this week as I should.  However, I will be back at it tomorrow and get you the fliers and info that you want and deserve.  I will continue to write on this blog as long as there are views on the posts.  Please follow Bikers of South Carolina.  IT is truly a great organization, just not the one for me.

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