Sunday, March 30

It has been a long hectic year, but as most know I have left Bikers of SC and ventured on my own to Biker Events of SC.  Yes, there have been some smart ass comments about me doing that, and well, I don't give a shit.  Leaving BoSC was a VERY hard decision for me.  I have been there since the beginning and wanted to see it through to the end.  However, with growth comes change, some good, some not so good and some bad.  A lot of the changes were for the good, others were what they were but there were some that I just refused to be a part of.  I love all my BoSC brothers and sisters from the beginning, I will always have their back as I know they would mine.  There have been a lot of he said, she said floating around as will happen in any organization.  I am not here to do that.  I am here to explain to my followers why I left.  Nothing more, nothing less.  I love Steel Toes, Becca, Hollywood and still believe in the vision we had when we started BoSC.  That vision was lost somewhere a long the way with some of the new admins.  I felt that the BoSC was becoming more like a MC or RC than what we originally started as, a page to help the bikers find information on the rides, events and rallies coming up in the areas they lived in and around the state and to communicate with other bikers for information, bikes for sale or just as free advertisement for businesses directed at the biker community.  When we split up the page and each of us managers took a different area of the state, that vision got lost for the most part.  I tried and tried to make sense of it and hoped beyond hope that things would change.  They did not, so I took a step back.  I know that there are a lot of my friends on the page that followed me to my new page and I appreciate that.  I have been busy planning a wedding so I have not been scouring the net this week as I should.  However, I will be back at it tomorrow and get you the fliers and info that you want and deserve.  I will continue to write on this blog as long as there are views on the posts.  Please follow Bikers of South Carolina.  IT is truly a great organization, just not the one for me.

Friday, January 17

Charity (In The Biker Community)

So, as we gear up for the 2014 "riding season" and a very much needed ride tomorrow for the Fallen Riders Memorial Fund-SC to collect donations that will help while our fallen brothers and sisters are in the hospital, I keep thinking about how much good we, the bikers, do for our community and our nation.  Every year, there are annual rides, some of them that have been going on for almost half a century.  I know that every year in September I attend the Bikers Who Care Toy Run & Benefit Party (2013 being the 32nd Annual Event).  Every single penny they earn goes to Children's Charities in their community.  They have done wonderful things in their community and they are a sense of pride for most of the community.  After this summer's fiasco in NY, I was stunned to see people on some of my Facebook feeds put all bikers in the same category as those bikers.  I seen people get offended and complain that it was because of the bikes they were riding or sadly because of the color of their skin.  We get it all the time.  One person or one group of people do something that makes National News and we are all included and blamed, even when we are states or even countries away.  I cannot deny there are a few bad apples in every walk of life, but they do not dictate nor set the standard for all.  We gather toys for the children in our communities, we provide Veteran's with essentials, we provide support and raise money for people in our communities, yet we are judged by what only a small percentage of bikers do.  Over 3,000 bikes have shown up at the annual event I attend and the out pouring response from the community is amazing.  They line the streets like it is a parade waving and cheering, they stop in the middle of the road as a sign of respect, they convene at the drop off point to such an extravagance that there is no room in the MALL parking lot to park.  It didn't happen overnight, but it happened all the same.  I can't wait to see that kind of acceptance all over.  I don't think it will happen in my lifetime, but maybe my grand children's and I pray that each and every one of them is a part of that line of bikes riding to bring joy to children, Veterans and someone in need.  There are much worse things you can do in this lifetime than to open your heart and give while knowing that people will judge you by your lifestyle not your character.  So keep it up my fellow brothers and sisters.......let your character define you, not someone else's idea of who you are.

Thursday, November 21


Loyalty............seems to be a foreign concept in today's society.  When I first learned how to ride, it was an unspoken rule, a belief system that was integrated into your being, not just written in a "by law".  It was knowing that the person riding beside you had your back, that the people you are standing around and sharing your love of riding for, had your back, no matter what your predicament was, they were there.

It was a wonderful feeling knowing that the people you were riding with were people you could count on.  That the guy or girl on the bike next to you was "family".  No matter our differences, no matter our uniqueness, they would be there for me when needed.  It was a nice warm feeling that I never had to worry about being lied to, cheated or back stabbed.  You didn't need a patch to prove you were a biker and that you held these values to heart.  We were honest, loyal and had the utmost respect for each other and each other's differences.

In today's biker lifestyle I have found that you will be lied to, even when you show enough respect to ask forthright honest questions.  That your biker "family" will run at the first sign of adversary, that they will turn their backs on you in your time of need, that they will take the things you work hard on and hold true and dear and attempt to use them for themselves.  That they will see your idea and try to steal it.  These are not true bikers.  True bikers stand strong behind their brothers and sisters, they don't turn their backs, they don't quit in the light of adversity, they damn sure don't take up with the adversary.

Please know that this is not written with hatred nor am I mad, disappointed maybe, but not mad and no hate.  I am proud to say that in my many travels I have been honored in knowing some of the best bikers around.  I have "family" from back when I first started riding that is "family" to this day and I have new "family" members that I know without a doubt, I can count on. I have been lucky to find a few that believe in the same code I do.  The "OLD" code.  What we call "Old School" bikers.  The others, the ones that came and left, they were but lessons learned.  Some I still cherish, I just know that when it came down to the wire, they would not be the ones I call to ask for help or count on.  I am sure we all have some of those in our lives.  They bring me down to Earth and remind that we are not all made the same.

So, the next time you ride and you look to the side, I hope it fills you with the same warmth to know that the person there will be "there" no matter what.

~Whisky Girl~

Thursday, October 31


In the many years of my life I have had a chance to speak to people from all different walks of life and all different cultures as well.  Many of which I am still in contact with.  Coming from a Military background it is easy and not so easy for me to explain to you what I think Patriotism is. 
It is a feeling, deep down inside.  A belief that was born almost as soon as you were.  A love that stands strong through the years and just grows stronger during the trials.  You can’t just become a Patriot, you can’t just adopt Patriotism; it is bred within you, nurtured and encouraged.  It is a love for your country, a love for your countrymen/countrywomen, a love and thankfulness for your freedoms, a realization of the lives of the men and women lost for your right to have those freedoms, a respect for the men and women who wake up daily to go run 2+ miles to keep in shape, who dawn the Uniform, lace the boots and serve a much higher power than you could imagine.  The power of the American people.  Patriotism is stepping forward, signing your name on a contract agreeing to give your life if needed to ensure others may have a life.  It is respecting the symbol of our country, the U.S. Flag, respecting what she represents.  Most of all, Patriotism is LOVE, HONOR & RESPECT. 
My father was 82nd Airborne in the Korean War. When I was young, I asked him about the olive drab jacket he wore all the time, he would tell me time and time again about his time in the Army and the brotherhood and life he had.  I knew nothing about brotherhood but I knew that smile and the look in his eyes was happiness and I wanted it.  When my parents divorced and my dad left, he left an old 45 vinyl record with me……The Ballad of the Green Berets by SSGT Barry Sadler.  I listened and listened to that song.  My love for my country, my love for my military began with that olive drab jacket and the smile on my daddy’s face and was enforced with that song.   After I joined the Army, I had a conversation with my mom…..she was upset that the Army was sending me somewhere unsafe.  I looked her in the eye and told her, “Mom, I knew when I signed that line that one day, any day, I might have to do this.  You were so proud of me then, be proud of me now, for I know what I am doing and I am going so that others may one day have the same freedoms as us and to keep it from becoming an American War on American soil”.  She looked at me with tears in her eyes and told me to be safe.

Sometimes we need a reminder of what Patriotism is, but sadly our country seems to only remember their Patriotism on holidays and with a BBQ, fireworks and alcohol.  Patriotism needs to remembered every day, we need to breed it in our children, and encourage our children to love their country, to support their Military, to understand our history, where we have been, where we are now and where we should be going.  To register to vote, to use their freedom of speech and to never stop loving who we are as a country, to understand that we make mistakes but that doesn't change who we are, what we are.  We need to remember daily the sacrifices given every day, for the years before us and the ones that will be given for the years after us by our men and women in the military.  Not just physically but mentally as well.  We need to visit the Memorials built to honor the brave more than just once a year.  Patriotism is LOVE, HONOR & RESPECT.  LOVE OF COUNTRY, HONOR OF THE BRAVE & RESPECT OF OUR FOREFATHERS AND ALL THEY STOOD FOR AND WANTED FOR US.